My Projects


Date: 2023 - Present

A simulation that compares traditional methods of data preservation against a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning approach.

  • Java
  • Google Guava
  • Google OR-Tools
  • MARL
  • Q-Learning
  • IoT

Date: 2023

A twitter post analysis project that uses machine learning to predict whether a tweet is about a natural disaster.

  • Python
  • Tensorflow
  • Keras
  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Machine Learning

Date: 2022 - Present

A sensor network generator that works with Goldberg's and Cherkassky's Minimum Cost Flow algorithm.

  • Java
  • JavaFX
  • IoT

Date: 2022

A simple screen saver that bounces a few squares around the screen.

  • C++
  • Raylib

Date: 2021

An Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos, view a global photos feed, and add comments.

  • Swift
  • UIkit
  • Cocoa Touch
  • Cocoa Pods
  • Parse

Date: 2021

A program that copies gitmoji to your clipboard for easy use in commit messages.

  • C++

Open Source Contributions


Date: 2024

Express inspired web framework written in Go.

  • Go
  • Open Source Software
  • Web Framework